All the COAPE courses are available online, making them readily available to anyone anywhere in the world. But did you know that one of the unique elements that sets us apart is the inclusion of practical work that students can do under tutor guidance? Every course requires practical requirements to be completed, resulting in a far better skillset than any course that only offers an online element without the practical hands-on experience being included. In our courses, the theory modules are done online, and the practical elements can be completed from anywhere in the world. Students are assured of the best support by our exceptional tutors, who are on hand to assist and guide students through the entire course, including the practical requirement.
COAPE produces a suite of unique qualifications for people working in the field of animal behaviour, to ensure an up to date skill set and approach, as well as the best learning experience for the course participants.
COAPE is an environmentally responsible organisation and we are determined to reduce the amount of paper waste we are generating. All our course notes and certificates are delivered electronically via the internet, and all our courses are fully completed online. We supply you with a specially designed template to assist you in writing your coursework using your own computer and preferred word processing software. There are great benefits to running our planet-friendly courses this way, including:
Speed, reliability and efficiency: At the simple click of a button you receive your course notes and assignments. Complete your assignment and submit it for marking via email by the due date, it will then be marked by a qualified marker and returned to you. Assignments are randomly selected for moderation to ensure marking consistency so your assignment may also be moderated by our internal moderator before being returned to you. No chance of valuable assignments being delayed or lost in the post.
Up-to-date course notes and other materials: All our courses are under constant review and we update and refine our course material as new information becomes available, which would be impossible with printed course notes.
Internet course management means that you have easy and reliable access to COAPE tutors, wherever they are in the world. These highly trained tutors are there to support the student through every module of their chosen course and to offer guidance on any subject the student might struggle with. While our tutors are dedicated to the success of the students, we also pride ourselves on producing qualified trainers and behaviourists, so students are taught how to work through problems with the tutor’s guidance (without being given the answers), resulting in a better understanding of the subject matter.
COAPE also uniquely offers live tutoring sessions in both group and individual settings to make sure our students do not lose the social interaction and support that is so important when studying.
In addition, all students have access to a dedicated, protected online student Facebook group where they can discuss the course, behaviour matters and help each other with their studies.
COAPE hosts these closed Facebook groups for DogWise, CatWise, ThinkBehaviour and the Diploma respectively, where students can discuss topics related to their course, offer each other encouragement, and arrange study groups. The COAPE team also updates these groups with informative tips and links on a regular basis.
We are constantly developing new theoretical and practical courses both for hands-on pet care professionals and pet owners alike and are committed to providing Continuing Professional Development opportunities for our Diplomates and other COAPE course graduates.
COAPE keeps constantly abreast of current thinking in animal welfare and changes in the animal protection laws, how this affects pets, their owners, and those involved professionally with animals.
Our Diploma students need to carry out a certain number of pro bono work hours in order to complete their course. During the first year of the two-year course, students are encouraged to volunteer at rescue organisations (Country regulations permitting). After the first year, students may offer selected behavioural and training assistance on a pro bono basis to animal welfare organisations, vet practices or owners, making these much-needed services available to organisations and individuals who may not be able to afford them otherwise. These pro bono services are done under tutor supervision and guidance to ensure top quality advice.
© 2021 COAPE | Images by Moose