Terms and Conditions
May 2024



(May 2024)


These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) comprise the terms of any contract entered into between you, the student, and COAPE International. Please read them carefully before enroling for a Course and ask us to explain anything you find unclear. We recommend that you keep a copy of these Terms with your records for future use. 


The student acknowledges and accepts that COAPE International shall have the right, at all times, to amend these Terms at our sole discretion.  All students will be made aware of any such amendments and the onus is on the student to ensure that you are aware of and understand, the then current Terms. 




1.1  In these Terms the following definitions apply: 




COAPE International CC, registration no 2007/045370/23 whose registered office is at 38 De Uitsigpad, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157, Gauteng, South Africa. 


A course provided by COAPE International.




The current version of the form, either manual or online, made available by COAPE International for use by a prospective student who wishes to enrol for a Course.

Course  Materials  

Materials in hard copy or electronic form (or any other form) provided to you by COAPE International for use by you under licence, in connection with a Course. 


Do It In Your Own Time course option.

Registered Courses  

A registered course is a Course that has been marked, assessed and moderated by persons approved by COAPE International. 


A student who is participating on a Course. 


Includes these current terms and conditions and whenever amended and updated 

Authorised signatories

The owners of COAPE International – Karin Pienaar, Wendy Wilson


COAPE International


The student 



2.1  Payment of a Course deposit, Course fee or Monthly Instalment is an offer by the student to enter into a binding contract with COAPE, which we are free to accept or decline.


2.2   No variation of these Terms is effective unless made in writing, and signed by the authorised signatories on behalf of COAPE. 


2.3  The student is responsible for providing COAPE with the requisite accurate information when enroling for a Course. 


2.4  Courses and fees paid are not transferrable to a third party.




3.1       Enrolments will only be accepted when accompanied by proof of payment for either the full course fee, the course deposit or the 1st month’s instalment, as selected by the student in the Course Enrolment Form. 


3.2       Enrolment forms must be physically or electronically signed by the student, and the person responsible for the account, if applicable.


3.3      Right of enrolment is reserved and all course bookings are subject to availability. 


3.4      Courses are not transferrable to any third party.


3.5     Students are allowed a maximum of 2 (two) re-enrolments for any particular course.

COAPE at its sole discretion, reserves the right to adjust or waive this restriction, this is not to be deemed as setting a precedent.


3.6      Courses must be started within 6 months from the date of enrolment or re-enrolment, unless otherwise agreed to by COAPE in writing.




4.1       Where we accept payment of Course Fees by instalments, the instalments must be promptly paid by the last working day of each consecutive month. This also applies where a student’s studies and participation on a Course are temporarily suspended or interrupted.


4.2       If you have elected to pay Course fees by instalments, payment of each instalment must either be made by:


Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) to: 


Account Name          COAPE International CC 

Bank                            Nedbank Ltd 

Branch                        Vredenburg 

Branch Code              98 765 00

SWIFT Code              NEDSZAJJ

Account number      1033 789 119

Reference                  Your full name



By logging onto the website www.coape.org selecting the ‘Payments’ tab, complete the fields requested and input the amount you wish to pay – NOTE: All payments must be in ZAR.


4.3      A once-off compound interest fee at a rate of 10% will be charged on the balance of capital, after deduction of any deposit amount paid if the balance is to be settled via instalments.


4.4       Students will not be given their final course mark, or allowed to graduate, until their account is paid in full.




5.1      The discount voucher, presented at the graduation of a previous COAPE course, can be used in conjunction with the early settlement discounts offered on payment options 1 and 2.


5.2      The discount voucher, presented at the graduation of a previous COAPE course, can be used in conjunction with and any ‘Specials’ which are offered from time to time.


5.3      The early settlement discount offered on payment options 1 and 2 can NOT be used in conjunction with any other ‘Special discounts’ offered from time to time.



 6.1      Where an instalment is unpaid and/or the student’s account is overdue, we reserve the right to:

  • Withhold the release of assignment results
  • Delay the marking of course work.
  • Suspend access to online Course Materials.

Once the overdue amount has been paid and the account is back within terms all the above will be reinstated.




7.1      Students have no contractual right to transfer from one COAPE course to another, and agreement to any such transfer is at COAPE’s sole discretion. If COAPE is willing and able to accommodate such a transfer request, the cancellation fee for withdrawal from the original course will be calculated and should the payments received to date exceed that, such fees paid in respect of the original Course may, at the sole discretion of COAPE, be credited towards the fees payable for the new Course. Any additional fees for the new Course will be payable when transfer is agreed. 


7.2       If a student wishes to transfer from one Beginner or Intermediate course to another course on the same level, this must be requested prior to the submission due date for the Unit 2 assignment. 


7.3      For the COAPE Diplomas, once the student has been given access to the Learner Management System to view the lectures for Module 1, there is a period of 14 days (2 weeks), starting from the date of access having been granted, wherein the student may request a change to another course. No changes will be considered outside this window period. 


7.4       The only exception to points 6.2 & 6.3 is if the student wishes to move from the standard course to the DIIYOT option. This can be done at any time throughout the course once the student has completed the Transfer form and agreed to the additional fee and payment option. Once a student has transferred to this course option if he/she decides to revert to the original course format no refund of the Transfer fee will be entertained.


7.5    Students may only move to a later group due to extenuating circumstances, and may not move groups more than 3 (three) times during the duration of the course. COAPE at its sole discretion, reserves the right to adjust or waive this restriction, this is not to be deemed as setting a precedent. 





8.1  Cancellation under the Distance Selling Regulations:


8.1.1   As a consumer, the student has a legal right to cancel a contract entered into with us, for a period of seven working days, starting on the date on which the contract between us comes into existence. That is the date on which we notify you that we have accepted your Course enrolment. This means that during the seven working day period, if you decide that you do not want to enrol for the course you have registered for, you can notify us of your decision to cancel the contract and you will receive a full refund of all sums you have paid to us. We will process the refund due to you as soon as possible and, in any case, within 30 calendar days of the day on which you gave us notice of cancellation. No interest is payable by COAPE for the period of time the funds have been in COAPE’s bank account.


8.1.2  In 8.1.1 above “working days” means days other than Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. 


8.2  Cancellation/Refund Policy:


8.2.1      If the student wishes to withdraw from any course he/she has enrolled for before completion, there is a cancellation policy in place. Each case will be treated on its own merits and COAPE, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to adjust or waive cancellation fees, this is not to be deemed as setting a precedent. 


8.2.2      Method of cancellation

Notice of cancellation of a course enrolment must be given to COAPE via E-mail to [email protected] , cancellation will be deemed accepted ONLY if the e-mail is acknowledged by COAPE, within a period of 48 hours. Should such confirmation not be received by the student the Notice of Cancellation will not be deemed to have been received by COAPE. If no confirmation was received, it is the student’s responsibility to pursue the matter with COAPE. Other methods of communicating cancellation of a course enrolment including, for example, phone calls & WhatsApp messages are not valid means of cancellation.  


8.2.3      If the student is unable to complete the course and wishes to withdraw at any stage, the following cancellation fees are applicable: All Pet Owner courses

No refund is applicable if the student withdraws from any of the Pet Owner courses prior to completion. For the Beginner DogWise course and the Intermediate ThinkBehaviour course: 

  • Students must start the course within 6 months of registration. Failure to do so, without prior written consent from COAPE, will result in the student being deemed to have withdrawn from the course and no funds paid to COAPE will be refunded.*#
  • If Unit 1 has not been made available to the student at the date of cancellation any prepaid course fees, excluding the non-refundable deposit, will be refunded to the student.*#
  • Once the student has received/been granted access to Unit 1 and wishes to withdraw, a 20% cancellation fee, over and above the non-refundable deposit , applies.*#
  • Once the student has received/been granted access to Unit 2 and wishes to withdraw, a 30% cancellation fee, over and above the non-refundable deposit, applies.*#
  • Once the student has received/been granted access to Unit 3 and wishes to withdraw, a 40% cancellation fee, over and above the non-refundable deposit, applies.*#
  • Once the student has received/ been granted access to Unit 4 and wishes to withdraw, a 50% cancellation fee, over and above the non-refundable deposit, applies. *#
  • Once the student has received/been granted access to Unit 5 and wishes to withdraw, a 60% cancellation fee, over and above the non-refundable deposit, applies.*#
  • Once the student has received/been granted access to Unit 6 and wishes to withdraw, the full course fee is due.*#   For the Intermediate ThinkNutrition course:

  • Students must start the course within 6 months of registration. Failure to do so, without prior written consent from COAPE, will result in the student being deemed to have withdrawn from the course and no funds paid to COAPE will be refunded.*#
  • If Unit 1 has not been made available to the student at the date of cancellation any prepaid course fees, excluding the non-refundable deposit, will be refunded to the student.*#
  • Once the student has received/been granted access to Unit 1 and wishes to withdraw, a 20% cancellation fee, over and above the non-refundable deposit, applies.*#
  • Once the student has received/ been granted access to Unit 2 and wishes to withdraw, a 40% cancellation fee, over and above the non-refundable deposit, applies.*#
  • Once the student has received/ been granted access to Unit 3 and wishes to withdraw, a 60% cancellation fee over and above the non-refundable deposit, applies.*#
  • Once the student has been granted access to Unit 4 and wishes to withdraw, the full course fee is due.  For the Speciality African Wild Dog Behaviour, African Lion Behaviour and Cheetah Behaviour courses:

  • Students must start the course within 6 months of registration. Failure to do so, without prior written consent from COAPE International, will result in the student being deemed to have withdrawn from the course and no funds paid to COAPE International will be refunded.*#
  • If Unit 1 has not been made available to the student at the date of cancellation any prepaid course fees, excluding the non-refundable deposit, will be refunded to the student.*#
  • Once the student has received Unit 1 and wishes to withdraw, a 20% cancellation fee, over and above the non-refundable deposit, applies.*#   
  • Once the student has received Unit 2 and wishes to withdraw, a 40% cancellation fee, over and above the non-refundable deposit applies.*#
  • Once the student has received Unit 3 and wishes to withdraw, a 60% cancellation fee over and above the non-refundable deposit, applies.*#
  • Once the student has received Unit 4 and wishes to withdraw, the full course fee is due.    For the Diplomas: DIPCABT C.C.A.B : COAPE Diploma in Animal Behaviour and the DIPCABT-D: C.C.A.B COAPE Diploma in Dog Behaviour courses: 

  • Once the student has enrolled and been accepted by COAPE International, and then decides to cancel the course, for whatever reason, prior to the date the course is due to commence, any prepaid course fees, excluding the non-refundable deposit, will be refunded to the student.*# 
  • Once the student has been granted access to Module 1 and wishes to withdraw, a 20% cancellation fee, over and above the non-refundable deposit, applies.*#
  • Once the student has been granted access to Module 2 and wishes to withdraw, a 40% cancellation fee, over and above the non-refundable deposit, applies.*#
  • Once the student has been granted access to Module 3 and wishes to withdraw, a 60% cancellation fee, over and above the non-refundable deposit, applies.*#
  • Once the student has been granted access to Module 4 and wishes to withdraw, the full course fee is due.   For the MHERA™ Licenced Practitioners Course:

  • Once the student has enrolled and been accepted by COAPE International, and then decides to cancel the course, for whatever reason, prior to the date the course is due to commence, any prepaid course fees, excluding the non-refundable deposit, will be refunded to the student. *# 
  • Once the student has been granted access to Module 1 and wishes to withdraw, a 30% cancellation fee, over and above the non-refundable deposit, applies.*#
  • Once the student has been granted access to Module 2 and wishes to withdraw, a 60% cancellation fee, over and above the non-refundable deposit, applies.*#
  • Once the student has been granted access to Module 3 and wishes to withdraw, the full course fee is due.

*  If the student selects the payment option without a deposit, the payments received will first be allocated towards the non-refundable deposit amount, and should the student withdraw, this non-refundable deposit amount will not form part of any refund.


#  If applicable, the refund of the balance of the course fee (after the cancellation fee and non-refundable deposit have been deducted) will be paid into the student’s bank account. No interest is payable by COAPE for the period of time the funds have been in COAPE’s bank account.




9.1      Only if COAPE gives written agreement in advance, may the student temporarily suspend studies on a course for a period of up to 12 months. Formal application for COAPE’s agreement to a temporary suspension of studies must be made before the student temporarily ceases studies on the course. COAPE will not give such agreement retrospectively. Furthermore, should the course have not already been paid in full, the student will be liable to continue the monthly instalment payments for the duration of the period studies are interrupted, unless expressly agreed otherwise, in writing. 


9.2       Should the student need to interrupt their studies for one of the Beginner, Intermediate or Speciality courses, provided they recommence the course within a twelve (12) month period from the date of their studies being put on hold and the original course fee is paid in full, only a re-enrolment fee is payable which needs to be paid in full prior to recommencement. Should there be a balance still owing from the previous course, COAPE reserves the right to request full settlement before accepting the re-enrolment.  


9.3       Should the student wish to recommence studies for one of the Beginner, Intermediate or Speciality courses later than a twelve (12) month period after the date the course was put on hold; the full course fee will again be payable, over and above any balance still owing from the previous course, which COAPE reserves the right to request full settlement of, before accepting the re-enrolment.  


9.4      Should the student need to interrupt their studies for either of the Diploma courses, provided they recommence the course within a twelve (12) month period from the date of their studies being put on hold and the original course fee is paid in full, only a re-enrolment fee is payable in full, prior to recommencement. Should there be a balance still owing from the previous course COAPE reserves the right to request full settlement before accepting the re-enrolment.  


9.5      Should the student wish to recommence studies later than later than a twelve (12) month period after the date the Diploma course was put on hold; the full course fee will again be payable, over and above any balance still owing from the previous course, which COAPE reserves the right to request full settlement of, before accepting the re-enrolment.  


9.6       Should the student need to interrupt their studies for the MHERA™ Licensed Practitioner course they will need to join the intake for the following year and the full course fee will again be payable.




10.1       The student accepts that COAPE shall have the right to vary the course syllabus and method of instruction for any course at any time, without prior notification and without furnishing reasons therefor. COAPE also has the right to alter timetables, assignment dates, due dates and course commencement at its own discretion.


10.2        If in the unlikely event that the circumstances in Point 10.1 arise, we will give you as much notice of the change as possible. Should a new course date not be convenient for you, whilst we will make every effort to arrange an alternate date that will be acceptable to you or transfer your enrolment to the next available course which you wish to join, COAPE will not be liable for any costs or losses which you may incur as a result of any such changes. 


10.3       We reserve the right to remove from any course after due consultation: 

  • any Student whose course work fails on successive occasions to meet the standard required for the particular course, where it appears to COAPE that there is no reasonable prospect of the student attaining the qualification to which the course is directed; and
  • any Student who breaches in a serious way the practices, procedures and conduct required in respect of any course or whose conduct is disruptive of a course or seriously offensive to COAPE staff or other Students.




11.1       It is a condition of your participation in a course that all course work which you submit, shall be your own work. The submission of work which is not your own (Plagiarism) shall entitle COAPE, after consultation with you, to terminate your participation on the course, in which event you will not be entitled to any refund of course fees.  


11.2       Students must submit course work at the times specified either in the Learning Management System or as specified on the assignment workbook. 


11.3       Students may apply to COAPE for extensions of up to three weeks on their course work submission deadlines, but not more than twice during a course. Such extensions are granted only for medical reasons and the extension request must be accompanied by a valid medical certificate. Being granted an extension does not affect the deadlines for submission of any future assignments. Extensions must be agreed to officially by E-Mail from COAPE to be valid. 


11.4       Should the Student not submit an assignment to COAPE for a period of longer than two months after the due date without consultation with COAPE, the student will be treated as having withdrawn from the course and will not be eligible for a refund of fees. If any portion of the student’s course fees are still outstanding COAPE has the right to call for immediate settlement thereof. It may be possible, in exceptional circumstances, supported by the provision of satisfactory evidence and subject to the prior written agreement of COAPE International, for the student to resume the Course. In that case the student will be required to pay a re-enrolment fee specified by COAPE. 


11.5    The student must start their course within 6 months from the date of enrolment. Failure to do so, without prior agreement from COAPE, will result in the student being deemed to have withdrawn from the course and, as no assignments have been handed, in the course will be marked as a Fail. No refund of course fees paid will be considered.




12.1    If the student feels their assignment has not been fairly marked, a re-mark can be requested. Students must be aware that a full remark by the Moderator will carry a charge and the final mark may stay the same, increase or even decrease. The Moderator’s re-mark is final.


12.2    If the student feels there is an error in the marking, the student can ask for the assignment to be Moderated, there is no charge for this and the Moderators decision is final.


12.3    In the unlikely event of a student failing any of the COAPE courses the full amount of the course fee will become due and payable, irrespective of how far the student has progressed through the course.


12.4    Failure of the course will not result in any refund for modules/units not completed. Nor will such modules/units be made available to the student after the course failure.




13.1       If you are a business, we will under no circumstance be liable to you, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, arising under or in connection with the Contract for: 

13.1.1  any loss of profits, sales, business, or revenue; 

13.1.2  loss or corruption of data, information or software; 

13.1.3  loss of business opportunity; 

13.1.4  loss of anticipated savings; 

13.1.5  loss of goodwill; 

13.1.6  any indirect or consequential loss. 


13.2    In any event, our liability to you in respect of any claim made will not exceed the course fee paid by you if you are a business. 


13.3    If you are a consumer, we are responsible for any loss or damage you suffer that is a foreseeable result of any breach by us of these Terms, or our negligence. We are not responsible for any loss or damage that is not reasonably foreseeable. 


13.4    In any event, our liability to you in respect of any claim made will not exceed the course fee paid by you if you are a consumer. 




14.1    COAPE International CC™, MHERA™ and ESTA™ are a registered trademarks. You do not have any right to use any of these marks unless we specifically consent in writing to your doing so.


14.2    You acknowledge that all intellectual property right in Course Materials (including but not limited to copyright) belong exclusively to COAPE, that rights in Course Materials are licensed (not sold) to you, and that you have no rights to Course Materials other than the right to use them in accordance with the terms of the licence granted to you by these Terms, point 14. 




15.1    COAPE grants to you personally a non-exclusive licence to use the materials it provides to you, for the purposes of your course studies and as a record of course content after you have completed the course. This licence is personal to you, and only you are licensed to use the course materials provided to you.  


15.2    You agree that you will not sell, transfer to any other person, licence, commercially exploit in any way, copy or incorporate into other written or electronic material, course materials or any part of them, without the express written permission of the Authorised Signatories. 


15.3    You agree that, in the event of any material breach by you of these Terms, COAPE  shall have the right to terminate the licence granted to you by this clause 14.1, and furthermore will levy a penalty of ZAR50 000 which will immediately become due and  payable upon proof of the breach being given. 




16.1       Access to and use of COAPE’s online Learner Management System and its other websites is subject to and conditional upon, your observance of these Terms and additionally the Terms and Conditions of Use of those websites. 


16.2       COAPE reserves the right to withdraw a student from a course in the event of any conduct which is, in COAPE’s reasonable opinion, a serious breach of these Terms and Conditions of Use. 




17.1       Data collected from you will be used to administer the course or to inform you about similar services which we provide unless you tell us that you do not want to receive this information. We will not pass your data to third parties without your prior consent. You agree to comply with the provisions of our privacy policy which can be found on our website. 


17.2       Where you have chosen to pay the course fee, either in full or part thereof by instalments, you acknowledge and agree that we may pass your details to credit reference agencies and make a credit reference agency search, to determine your suitability to pay by instalments.




18.1       We shall not be in breach of these Terms, nor liable for any failure or delay in performance of our obligations under this contract, or arising out of them, to the extent that such delay or non-performance is due to circumstances beyond our reasonable control. This refers to, amongst others, the failure of 3rd party websites.




19.1       If you have a problem with any services provided by COAPE, or any complaint:  

(a) please contact us and tell us as soon as possible; and  

(b) please give us a reasonable opportunity to deal with it. 


19.2       As a consumer, you have legal rights in relation to:


19.2.1   Services not carried out with reasonable skill and care


19.2.2   The course materials being faulty, and which have not been rectified by COAPE within a period of 3 weeks (21 days) from the notification thereof


19.2.3  Course material is not as described.


Advice about your legal rights is available from your local Citizens’ Advice Bureau. Nothing in these Terms will affect these legal rights. 



20.1   You, as a COAPE student, are expected at all times to uphold the good name of COAPE. The Code of Conduct when consulting on a Case Study, shadowing a qualified behaviourist or representing COAPE in any way is to be adhered to at all times. You are our ambassadors while studying and once qualified, and as such, we expect you to act accordingly. 


20.2    COAPE will not tolerate any inappropriate behaviour directed at any member of our staff or in public under any circumstances, especially during Case Study consultations, shadowing a behaviourist or when addressing the public. This includes bad language and threats via email, in writing, over the telephone or in person. Non-adherence to this Code of Conduct entitles COAPE to remove you from your course with no entitlement to a refund of fees, and any outstanding fees will be required to be paid in full in such circumstances. 




21.1    If any court or other competent authority decides that any one (or more) of these Terms is invalid, unlawful or unenforceable to any extent, that Term/s will be treated as removed from the contract between COAPE and the student, and shall cease to be effective. The remaining Terms will continue to be valid and effective to the fullest extent permitted by law. 


21.2    If we fail, at any time while these Terms are in force, to insist that you perform any of your obligations under these Terms, or if we do not exercise any of our rights or remedies under these Terms, that will not mean that we have waived such rights or remedies, and will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. If we do waive a default by you that will not mean that we will automatically waive any subsequent default/s by you. No waiver by us of any of these Terms shall be effective unless we expressly say that it is a waiver and we tell you so in writing. 


21.3    A person who is not party to these Terms shall not have any rights under, or in connection with, them. 


21.4    These Terms shall be governed by South African law and both the student and COAPE agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the South African Magistrates courts in relation to them and all matters arising out of them. 



For any additional queries, please contact us at [email protected] 

COAPE International CC, registration no 2007/045370/23 whose registered office is at 38 De Uitsigpad, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157, Gauteng, South Africa.